Monday, October 11, 2010

:: my convocation day ::

Yeszaaa... Today I'm officially a Master of Corporate Communication graduate - UPM Alumni 2010. Alhamdulillah, after 2 years of non-stop effort, patience and sweat the scroll is finally mine. 

We're in the fifth, morning session of the 5-days ceremony. I was not that excited about this convocation earlier and even forgotten about it in the past few days. However, as soon as we were asked to walk for the graduands parade, I somehow felt the sense of proud building inside me. This is what I've been waiting for - the real convocation with protocols and all. I had my first convocation in 2003 for my bachelor in MMU but sorry to say, that convocation sucks. Ask anybody who graduated that year whether they had a memorable convocation, the one held at the state hall in Melaka where two faculties received certificates at one time on the stage while the Chancellor, Tun Dr. Siti Hasmah was sitting in the middle and nodding left and right to acknowledge recipients. I believed majority will give no good remarks about that event. Above all, our names were not even called - can you believe that? Even kids were being called at kindergarten's convocation day, but not us who have at least studied for 4 consecutive years through pain. That's how bad the day was. Anyway let's just forget about that for a moment.

During the parade, I purposely made myself to be the last one to que for our course. Through my experience as an emcee for MMC's convocation day and other certificate presentation ceremonies, I learnt that you have to be either the first or the last to be significant on stage and it worked! There was this guy who tried to que behind me just before we went on stage but I didn't let him do it. So when the lady emcee called my name with "...and..." the crowd was clapping, I received my scroll and waved at the audience. Gila glamour kan... but who cares?! :-D

I believed I've made my parents and hubby proud... and of course, I'm proud of myself too. I really enjoyed studying Corporate Communication and it gave me pure satisfaction. I thank Allah the Mighty for giving me the strength and ability to complete the study. To my beloved parents, thank you for the motivation and encouragement. 

Bee, thank you so much for the endless support, patience, understanding and I'm so glad to share the wonderful moment with you. To bff and friends, thanks for your support and motivation too (especially when I was stressful with assignments) and last but not least, appreciation note for lecturers and fellow classmates - thanks for sharing the knowledge and nice knowing you guys.

Some other pics:

:: memories with family - classmates - lil sis - mr.hubby ::


p/s: to my friends (Nor, Rabby & Nurul) who are still studying, keep it going girls. Your time will come soon~!

p/p/s: Happy PMR Independence Day for my lil sis, Atiqah who couldn't join us today. You're now temporarily free from torture... enjoy it keyh ;-)

... and last but not least, a pic with our lil sweetheart:


  1. Adiel siap pakai coat lg. Tak panas ke? sape yg convo nie? Sang hasben @ si wife? Huhuhu...

  2. Tetamu kena pakai either batik, kebangsaan or lounge suit. Batik pokcik2 sgt... baju melayu cam beraya plak... so lounge suitlah jawapannya :-)

  3. hai kak, xsgka akak smbg master kt upm gak..;) bangga tgk pencapaian akak.. tringin nk jumpe akak n chit chat smoga dpt share pglmn berguna dr akak.. ;)

  4. Ifa pun amik master kat upm jugak ye? Boleh je kalau nak jumpa dan bersembang. Boleh kita tukar-tukar cerita & pengalaman kan. All the best to u dear ;-)

  5. salam hai akak. saya terjumpa entry akak ni masa saya tengah google pasal master corporate comm upm. saya bercadang nak ambil this course. best tak course ni? lagi satu, kalau akak tak keberatan, boleh tak akak bagi tips sikit? hehe thank you.

    *saya harap akak notice this comment*
