Monday, November 1, 2010

:: alhamdulillah ::

It's 01.11.10. 

Another 5 days to our 1 year 5 months wedding anniversary and with His blessing, we're filled with joy and happiness when we saw the lines:

 Alhamdulillah, the moment has finally arrived.
I didn't go to office today because I didn't feel like it and I didn't want to spend RM10 for parking because it was already late. I continued sleeping until Bee woke up and he later asked me to do the test. I got strong feeling about this since we came back from Melbourne but planned to do it this Saturday (06.11.10) instead. I thought it would be a great anniversary present but early present wouldn't hurt either, rite? So, I did it and my instinct was correct. We went to doctor to reconfirm and 2 lines appeared again. Doctor estimated I'm already 5 weeks 5 days. (Do you realise there's a lot of number 5 involved?) Still in the early stage, which require extra precautions. No papaya, no pineapple, no squatting and no ... said the doctor. 

Above all, I'm so glad to see how happy Bee was. I love you so much, dear~! Hopefully everything will go smoothly, insyaallah and please pray for us too, will ya?


  1. wahhhhhh bestnyaaaaa!!!!CONGRATS..

    patutnya aku nak tanya tips nihhh ;p


  2. thanks babe... tade tips pun - usaha dan jaya je... muahahaha.

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog! And Congrats!!! ;D


    Stylicious Fashionista @ Bag Addicts Anonymous

    Twitter ID: bagaddictsanon

  4. wow u visited mine! thanks so much (for visiting & the wish...hehe)
    i really like reading yours... ;-)

  5. Tahniah...

    semoga mendapat anak yg soleh / solehah
