Wednesday, November 3, 2010

:: words of wisdom ::

"...when you think your life is not really good
just think about others who are envying you for having such a good life from their point of view..."


  1. I for one, envying yours right now..but happy for you lots ;)

  2. bersyukur apa yang ada...kita akan rasa cukup apa yang ada..

  3. @nor: then you should think about others who are envying you for the life you have! ayat ni macam chain reaction laa. an inspiration so everybody will feel good about their life. now ko dah feel good tak? hehehe

    @baya: betul tu. keyword utamanya: BERSYUKUR. saja post ayat tu untuk dijadikan inspirasi dan penyedap hati untuk sesape yang rasa down :-)
