Wednesday, December 29, 2010

:: my 3-month look ::

Took these pics before going out to Seremban yesterday. I've tried snapping some pics in the office before but failed because there was always someone coming into the toilet. It's my 14th week and I'm now entering second trimester. Time flies too fast, don't cha think? Alhamdulillah everything went well in the first trimester and I really hope it's gonna be the same until the end of this pregnancy. 

intoducing my baby bump :-)

As some people knew, I didn't experience any sickness be it in the morning or evening. Some even surprised to know that I'm preggie because they said I looked active and cheerful in the office. Yes I did, but I still got exhausted later in the evening though. Just realised that I even panted after climbing up stairs or walking fast. No wonder I got remarks like "are you tired?" but I usually thought it was due to hot weather or flu, etc.

Yet, I still went through few first trimester challenges. In the earlier weeks I often experienced bloated tummy especially after lunch onwards due to gas. I'm not good at burping out the gas so sometimes it did lead to headache. Found out that it was normal as the body is getting used to changes. Another challenge is another normal pregnancy thingy, which is constipation. Even after eating a lot of fruits and litres of fluids, I still experienced it once in a while. To overcome it is to eat more and more fruits so I've eaten fruits like almost everyday. That reminds me to eat prune for today's fruit consumption. Don't have problem on food. I ate what I normally ate but one thing for sure is I don't fancy eating oily food. Other than that, everything is fine and I'm enjoying the moment as it is.

Don't have much problem with attire yet. I can still disguise my slight bump, which sometimes look big but sometimes look small. Still I have to face the fact that my body is 'widening' at the middle part of the body and if you see me from the side, I look so 'thick' than usual. 

In that pic I was wearing a top that can be tied at the back which is perfect for pregnancy and non-pregnancy time. It was Jay Jay's, bought in New Zealand 2 years back and that was a Guess jeans bought around 7 years back in Mid Valley. It was the best investment among all as I can still wear it comfortably till today, but thanks to the flexible belt. That jeans is actually size 24 but due to its stretching material, it can still fit my thigh nicely (*yeay!) Wore that black tassel necklace from Melbourne just to complete the overall look and I was ready to go. 

So that's it for the 3-month look. Toodles!


  1. Isma br jer terfikir nk tnya Atie mana latest pic preggy mummy, tgk2 pg ni dh ada entry! Wah, masih blh pakai jeans lg n makin chomiey skrg=)

  2. Hehehe time kasih... tuhlaa skang tgh pakai segala mak nenek yg masih muat. Yang besar2 dah reserve utk pakai masa perut buncit lagi nanti ;-)
