Sunday, January 16, 2011

:: last day of the decade ::

Tomorrow I'm entering a new age decade: the BIG three-O or the 3-series zone. When I was a young kid I always thought that being an adult meant no more fun because everything seemed to be so serious. It's like you will have a new personality, an adult personality which differs you from being a kid, but eventually my perception was wrong. Through my experience, being a kid or an adult does not totally change your whole personality. It does change your physique (obviously) and the way you're thinking or making decisions but other than that, you're still who you are. At this age, I'm still the person you knew 10 years ago with similar traits and I don't want to change it if possible. 

Reminiscing the ol' days, I'd say twenties was an awesome, adventurous decade for me. Tried a lot of new stuffs, went through numerous new experiences, learnt numbers of knowledge, succeed in few achievements, met my soulmate and many others. There were also big leaps in life from being a student to an employee, from a bachelorette to a wifey... well, everything happened in my twenties and I have no regrets, enuff said. Above all, alhamdulillah; I thank the Almighty for the blessings, rezeki, good health and permitting me to live till this moment.

There's no other wish than hoping for a blissful, exciting decade ahead with the loved ones. May the good things remain the same and may the coming years are better than yesterday, insyaallah.

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