Howdy! It's a beautiful Sunday I must say and it's gonna be more beautiful because we're going shopping at One Utama later today (yeayyyy~!) As mentioned in my previous post, I already sensed that I've lost the shopaholic spirit inside me and to prove it, I can't actually remember when was the last time I went for a shopping spree.
So today I have this tiny winy wish, hoping that I can secure and come home with few paper bags filled with new items "yang semuanya masih berbau kedai". I've worked very hard in past few weeks so I deserve something as in new tops, shoes and perfume to keep the workaholic modjo alive (what a great excuse to break the bank account, eh). Wish me luck on securing those deals, will ya?
...but as for now, I better prepare myself for a long day at the shopping mall. C'mon shopaholic spirit, come to mama!
Kalo awak shopping hari sabtu, maybe kita boleh bertembung each other...