Monday, May 30, 2011

:: thank you touch n go ::

May is the toughest month for us this year. Only a day left for June to arrive and hopefully a new month brings us better luck, rezeki and joy. Despite the bad news and challenges something (finally) made me a bit happy. Last Friday I went out with Nor so I dropped by at the NPE office on my way back to get my Touch n Go rebate. It has been a while since I last received the rebate so I was just trying my luck and surprisingly I got this:

My rebate amount is RM129.44!

To me that is one big amount and I felt great because I didn't expect that at all. Alhamdulillah, rezeki and at least it can cover a month of toll expenses to the hospital later, in fact it is more than enough.

In case you didn't know, Malaysian Government started the 20% toll rebate programme for frequent Touch n Go users since September 2009 in which users have to use their Touch n Go for minimum of 80 times a month to qualify. Basically, to get 80 transactions per month means you have to use the toll 4 times daily so you will automatically qualify if you are using the NPE to work from end to end like me. Before anything, users will have to register first at and 20% rebate will be given out of transaction amount in that particular month which users could redeem from Touch N Go card reload centres nationwide. 

Government has increased the fuel price, electricity tariff and many other things so better grab this opportunity before they decided to stop it.

*keywords: rebet touch n go

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