Thursday, June 30, 2011

:: amalan semasa berpantang ::

Seperti yang kita ketahui, amalan berpantang selepas bersalin kebiasaannya dibuat selama 44 hari tetapi ada juga yang membuatnya selama 100 hari. Bagi pendapat saya berpantang atau tidak adalah pilihan dan kehendak individu. Saya tidak pasti keadaan dan perasaan selepas melahirkan anak secara normal kerana untuk saya yang melahirkan secara pembedahan, saya tidak merasakan perbezaan yang ketara kecuali kadang-kadang sakit di kawasan pembedahan. Kalau ikutkan selera makan, memang tiada beza langsung dan kalau ikutkan hati memang saya nak je makan dan minum seperti biasa. Maklumlah, saya berpantang di rumah sendiri secara berdikari, rajin atau malas saya yang tentukan sendiri dan kalau tak nak buat pun takde siapa yang memarahi. 

Berpantang secara sendiri sebenarnya ada buruk dan ada baiknya. Walaubagaimanapun, memandangkan amalan berpantang yang disyorkan adalah untuk kebaikan dan kesihatan ibu di masa akan datang, maka saya cuba juga patuhi mana yang termampu. Mama moden kononnya, jadi amalan-amalan yang dibuat pun hampir semuanya mengikut maklumat yang saya dapat melalui internet dan ada juga yang dipelajari daripada ibu dan mertua saya. 

Hari ini adalah hari ke 14 sejak melahirkan Ady. Saya duduk di hospital selama 4 hari, maknanya saya telah berada di rumah selama 10 hari. Amalan berpantang yang saya buat selama tempoh 14 hari ini adalah:

1. Memakai stokin setiap masa untuk mengelakkan kaki sejuk dan masuk angin. Bukan setakat itu saya juga pakai selipar rumah yang saya beli khas untuk tempoh berpantang. Untuk memotivasikan diri supaya rajin pakai, saya beli selipar rumah pink yang fluffy dan comel ;-)

2. Mengamalkan set lepas bersalin Tropical Herbs yang dibeli. Set ni lengkap dengan macam-macam rempah dan sangat sesuai untuk orang yang berpantang secara berdikari macam saya sebab mudah disediakan. Saya paling suka minum teh herba dia (dah habis pun minum semua 10 peket), air mandian herba pun best jugak. Set ni siap dengan param untuk panaskan badan dan pilis untuk menenangkan tapi yang ni leceh sikit sebab kena duduk lebih sejam baru boleh mandi. Kadang-kadang saya skip pakai so ada 10 peket lagi nak kena habiskan. Set ni siap dengan bengkung kain yang ikat-ikat tu. Untuk cesarean, manual tulis bengkung hanya boleh dipakai selepas sebulan tapi makcik husband saya yang kerja nurse kata dah boleh start pakai. Katanya, bengkung ni boleh kawal posture badan dan juga organ-organ dalaman supaya tak beralih jadi saya pun pakailah 2 hari sekali. Ikat pun tak ketat sangat, rempah kat perut pun saya tak pakai lagi.

3. Mandi sekali sahaja sehari dengan air herba dan air panas. Saya start mandi masa saya dah balik rumah iaitu hari ke-5 sebab sebelum tu saya di hospital memang tak boleh mandi lagi sebab plaster pembedahan masih tak dibuka. Lap-lap je boleh, nak buat camana. Saya ada baca amalan berpantang masyarakat cina tak boleh cuci rambut sebulan untuk elakkan sakit sendi. Ada betulnya tu tapi bagi pendapat saya, kesihatan memanglah kena jaga tapi kebersihan diri pun penting juga. Saya tetap cuci rambut tapi selang 2-3 hari mengikut keadaan. Sekarang dahla cuaca panas, mana boleh tahan rambut berminyak.

4. Memakai minyak Yuyi Cap Limau di tapak kaki dan belakang leher selepas mandi. Lepas bersalin kan orang cakap banyak angin dalam badan, lepas tu kat baby pun kita pakaikan minyak Yuyi atau minyak Telon untuk elakkan angin dan kembung perut jadi saya rasa apa salahnya saya pun pakai. Ni amalan yang saya cipta sendirilah.

5. Masa pregnant tidak dinafikan perut kita jadi tak berapa cantik dengan stretchmark, kesan-kesan hitam dan sebagainya. Saya ada baca kalau nak cantikkan kulit perut kena pakai losyen hari-hari so saya pun cubalah nasib. Saya pakai krim Organic Aid setiap kali lepas mandi sebab krim ni banyak vitamin E yang bagus untuk kulit. Sapu dan urut perut secara pusingan. Ni baru berapa hari je pakai... harapnya berkesan.

6. Ibu dan kawan saya ada beritahu tentang air kunyit. Saya cari info dan baru saya tahu minum air kunyit adalah amalan berpantang masyarakat melayu sejak zaman dulu sebab kunyit boleh bantu pengaliran darah dan kecutkan rahim. Air kunyit ni walaupun bagus tapi tak boleh minum banyak sangat sebab takut rahim terlalu kecut. Ikut info yang saya baca katanya minum sekali sahaja dalam tempoh pantang tapi ada juga orang yang minum sehingga 3 kali dalam sepanjang tempoh pantang. Cara-cara buat air kunyit ikut amalan orang dulu ialah ambil sebuku ibu kunyit, buang kulitnya dan layurkan. Tumbuk, ambil patinya dan minum dengan 1/4 cawan air. Saya berjaya buat dan minum air kunyit harini tapi saya blender je. Ada banyak sangat pati kunyit so rasanya nak minum 2 kali lagi selebihnya bolehlah masak apa-apa.

7. Menjaga jenis-jenis makanan yang dimakan. Masa kat hospital menu yang disajikan tak ikut makanan berpantang pun jadi kita kena pandai pilih sendiri. Sampai satu tahap saya siap Google dulu di iPad sama ada sayur yang diorang bagi tu ada dalam senarai boleh makan atau tak sebelum saya makan. Kat sini saya kongsi senarai makanan yang boleh dan tak boleh dimakan:



  • Burung puyuh
  • Burung merpati
  • ayam hitam
  • ayam didik
  • ayam selasih
  • ayam kampung
  • daging batang pinang

  • Ayam biasa (takut gatal)


Ikan berbisa jika dimakan oleh ibu-ibu dalam pantang boleh menyebabkan turun darah dan bentan

Ikan haruan menyembuhkan luka.
Ikan yu membanyakkan susu ibu
  • Ikan haruan
  • Ikan yu
  • Ikan selar
  • Ikan gelama
  • Ikan jenahak
  • Ikan merah
  • Ikan tenggiri
  • Ikan kurau
  • Ikan bawal putih
  • Ikan senangin
  • Ikan bilis
  • Ikan kering
  • Ikan masin
  • Ikan keli
  • Ikan bawal hitam
  • Ikan terubuk
  • Ikan duri
  • Ikan pari
  • Ikan sembilang
  • Ikan parang
  • ikan kembung
  • Ikan tamban
  • Ikan cencaru
  • Ikan tongkol
  • makanan laut
    • udang
    • sotong
    • kerang


Ulam-ulaman ini mengandungi fiber, zat galian (mineral) dan pelbagai vitamin, termasuklah A, C dan E, bersifat anti oksidan.

Jantung pisang membanyakkan susu ibu

Ulam kunyit mengembalikan kecergasan badan dan
menyembuhkan luka dalaman

  • halia
  • Serai
  • Lengkuas
  • pucuk pegaga
  • pucuk mengkudu
  • pucuk ulam raja
  • lempuyang
  • jantung pisang rebus
  • daun atau ubi cekur
  • bunga kantan
  • kunyit hidup
  • daun lemuni hitam
  • daun kaduk
  • daun sekentut
  • daun kesum
  • daun cemumar
  • daun pudina
  • daun kari
  • daun bebuas
  • daun ruku


Mengambil sayur-sayuran  menjalar, sejuk serta berangin boleh menyebabkan ibu-ibu kembung dan sakit-sakit badan.

Lobak putih dan peria membanyakkan susu ibu

Peria memudahkan buang air besar, membantu membersih dan melancarkan peredaran
darah dalam tubuh.

  • Ubi kentang
  • Peria
  • Sawi
  • Lobak merah
  • Lobak putih

  • Ubi kayu
  • Kangkung
  • Petola
  • Terung
  • Cili
  • Timun
  • Tomato
  • Brokoli
  • Kubis
  • Seledri
  • Terung
  • Timun
  • sayur keladi
  • pucuk ubi
  • pucuk paku
  • bayam
  • sayur atau daun keti (bunga putih)
  • kacang panjang
  • kacang botol
  • labu
  • rebung
  • jeruk maman
  • petai
  • jering


Makanan tersebut dilarang kerana dapat mengakibatkan sakit tulang dan sejuk otot serta lemah sendi. Penyakit-penyakit tersebut diketahui telah banyak berleluasa di barat dan dikenali sebagai artritis dan rheumatisme.
  • Buah anggur
  • Kurma
  • Oren
  • Epal merah
  • Strawberi
  • Peach
  • Prune
  • Kismis
  • Longan cina

  • Nenas
  • Limau
  • buah lai
  • tembikai susu
  • tembikai merah
  • tembikai cina
  • epal hijau
  • kiwi
  • buah pear
  • pisang
  • jambu
  • belimbing
  • durian belanda
  • mangga
  • betik
  • ciku
  • langsat
  • nangka
  • cempedak
  • pisang masak hijau
  • pisang nangka
  • pisang embun
  • pisang udang
  • ubi kayu
  • ubi keladi
  • sengkuang
  • manggis
  • macang
  • kuinin
  • binjai


Asam jawa membantu membuang air besar selain dari
menyegarkan tubuh badan 
  • Biskut
  • Roti
  • Nestum
  • Quaker Oat
  • Cornflakes
  • Masakan panggang
  • Masakan rebus
  • Masakan kukus
  • Masakan bakar
  • Masakan salai
  • Asam jawa
  • Asam keping
  • Tempe
  • Burger
  • Nugget
  • Sosej
  • Bihun
  • Mee
  • Kuey teow
  • Laksa
  • Telur
  • Semua jenis ubi
  • Semua jenis makanan laut
  • Masakan berminyak boleh tetapi sedikit/jarang-jarang


Ibu-ibu tidak boleh minum minuman sejuk, tajam dan jus daripada buah-buahan yang dilarang

Air kunyit mengecutkan rahim dan mencuci darah.

Air rebusan pegaga ini membersihkan darah dalam tubuh ibu yang baru
melahirkan anak.
Manjakani berfungsi untuk mengering dan mengetatkan pangkal rahim.

Air jus halia kurma boleh membuang angin dalam badan dan menambah tenaga.

Air madu memanaskan badan.

  • air suam
  • air pati kunyit
  • jus pegaga
  • air halia
  • air kopi
  • air manjakani 
  • jus halia kurma
  • air madu
  • air ais
  • air sejuk
  • air bergas
  • air tebu
  • air cincau
  • air kelapa muda
  • air jus buah-buahan yang dilarang be continued

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

:: priceless experience ::

Friday, 17 June 2011

Arrived at Hospital Putrajaya with hubby around 12:30 pm and admitted to ward. Single bedded executive rooms were all full so we have to settle with double bedded executive room with the same room rate at RM300 per night. Didn't expect that but according to the nurse I will be transferred to single room once it is available so I accepted it since there was no option left. My height and weight were measured during registration. My bed number was 3A and after I changed into their pink uniform, nurses came to check my blood pressure as well as baby's heartbeat. 

Ready to be admitted with happy face :-D
Our last pic as parents-to-be 

Baby's heartbeat graph
 Bits of details
During the last checkup doctor told us the operation will take place around 10pm because operation theatre was fully booked on the 17th. That time we didn't care about how late it is going to be as long as it could be done on that date, but when the day arrived... waiting was very painful. Didn't do anything else except chatting with hubby, playing with iPad and kept on waiting. I was fasting since 9 something in the morning as advised by the doctor earlier so I could only look at all meals provided. We were excited to welcome our baby but we were both tired of waiting. I even took shower because I was so bored and had a nap because I only slept for 3 hours the night earlier.

Around 7:30 pm a nurse finally came to inform "it's time". I was still asleep so hubby sought her permission to give us some time so I could perform Maghrib prayer. Since I just awoke, I was expressionless and a bit 'blur'. After I was ready, the nurse asked me to lay on the bed and pushed me out of the room while hubby following from behind. It was just like a scene in the movie. On the way out, I was given a pill and a liquid medicine which tasted so bad. Out of nowhere, I started feeling emotional. I felt so sad looking at hubby's face as if I'm not going to make it. The operation theatre was at the first floor and we were given few minutes before I was taken inside the waiting room. I sought for his forgiveness and cried. My sadness overtook any other feeling hence I didn't feel nervous nor afraid about what I'm going to go through.

In the waiting room the anaesthetic specialist introduced himself as Dr. Naim explained about the anaesthetic procedure. There are 2 types of anaesthetic, one is general which gives total conscious loss and another is regional or better known as the epidural which numbs certain part of the body. In cesarean section epidural makes bottom half of the body numb, leaving you fully awake through out the whole procedure. I have told my gynae beforehand I would like to have the epidural instead of general anaesthetic and apparently epidural is always the first choice in cesarean section because it gives less after-operation-effects compared to general. I was asked to sign a consent form after the doctor ended his explanation and later pushed into the operation theatre.

It was 8:35 pm. I told myself "this is it, the moment has finally arrives." A nurse placed wires on me so my heartbeat could be heard loudly. My heart was beating normally so the doctor made a joke saying that I could deliver 10 times because I didn't sound nervous. I was asked to sit and arched my back as the epidural was given through my back spine. After few minutes Dr. Naim instructed me to move my legs but it was impossible because I couldn't feel them anymore. He then pinched my thigh and asked whether I could feel the pain, which I still did. He left for a while and came pinching my thigh again. I still felt the pain and that time I have started feeling a bit nervous. If I could still feel that, imagine how painful it is going to be when the scalpel runs through my skin later. The doctor eased me though by telling that they will only start the operation once I couldn't feel anything and after few more minutes later bottom half of my body was fully numb. The operation then started with Dr. Hamidah, my gynae saying "ok, testing". I knew they were doing something but I didn't feel any pain at all. Although fully awake I couldn't watch anything because they covered my view with sheets.

Dr. Naim sat next to me and started a conversation. He then cued me when the doctor and her team were ready to deliver the baby because they will need to push my tummy. There was sense of relief and warmth building inside me when I heard my baby cried. Alhamdulillah! At some point I just couldn't believe I have became a mother. It was like a dream... a very sweet dream :-)

The operation still continued. They delivered my placenta and stitched me back, which consumed longer time than delivering the baby. While they were doing their 'business' a nurse came with my lil boy. The first thing she showed me was my baby's 'birdie' and said "puan, tengok puan dapat baby apa", then only she showed his face. I only saw him in a glance, kiss him on the cheek but couldn't help noticing how cute he was with a very fair skin and tiny red lips. No word could describe my feeling and how grateful I was that time. The nurse went away to show him to his daddy and I was left there, a bit sleepy while waiting for the operation to end. I was pushed out of the operation theatre at 9:50 pm and continued laying on the bed for more than half an hour at the recovery room.

Hubby welcomed me when I was brought out of the recovery room. We went back to the ward and met our baby again. 

Ady Rifqi bin Abdullah Adil was born at 09:09 pm and weighed 3.12 kg. Alhamdulillah, everything went well. We thank Allah the almighty for His blessings and giving us the most beautiful, meaningful gift; a cute, healthy baby. Carrying Ady for 38 weeks is very meaningful and memorable but giving birth to him is simply priceless.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Friday, June 17, 2011

:: counting hours ::

Dear Baby,

In few hours you will no longer stay inside Mama's tummy. You will see the world, meet both of us and others who also love you. You have been my loyal companion, sharing every moment; anytime, anywhere and carrying you for 9 and a half month is never a burden but the most wonderful experience ever. Mama surely gonna miss having you kicking from inside, yet couldn't wait to cuddle and having you by my side. Mama and Papa will provide you endless love and care, a promise that both of us will surely keep for the rest of our lives...

Semoga menjadi anak yang soleh dan insan yang berguna. Kelahiranmu amat bermakna untuk kami berdua. Mwah!


-Ward 3A, Hospital Putrajaya-

Thursday, June 16, 2011

:: almost there ::

I wanted to share this news since 2 days ago but didn't have the opportunity to write because I was occupied with other errands. Now I have a lot to share in limited time because the big day is tomorrow. Yeap, we are only a day away from becoming parents. The wait is almost over and it's going to be a new beginning for another chapter of life.


Last Tuesday was my last prenatal checkup. It was scheduled in the evening and as usual I had to undergo the normal checkup procedure before meeting the doctor. Gained 1kg from the previous checkup but it didn't matter anymore because what matter the most was condition of the baby and the placenta. It was still the same as expected, hence it was confirmed that the baby need to be delivered through cesarean section. We had to set the date so we straight away told doctor we wanted it to be done on Friday, 17 June. There are two reasons why we chose that date. First because 17 is my birthdate and second because it falls on Friday. We were upset to know that operation theatre was full on that date. Doctor offered us Monday, 20 June but thankfully the operation theatre is also full that day and since hubby continuously insisted, she then booked the operation room according to our preference date (yeay~!). Doctor said I will be the last one and it might be done at night, around 10pm. To me being the last one is not a problem as long as it can still be done on the 17th and hopefully it is possible.

I will be admitted to ward at 12:15 pm tomorrow until my turn arrives and will be staying in the hospital for another 3-4 days. Not only that, I also need to fast starting from 9:00 am as a preparation for the operation. To be honest, I'm still cool about tomorrow. I never went through any sort of operation, minor or major through out my whole life so I don't know how to react and what to expect. Moreover I have expected this since early pregnancy because I was told by doctor that my placenta was low and that might also affect my calmness right now. Another thing about me is I never read anything about cesarean section procedure either from books or the Internet but only rely on stories from experienced close friends. Not only that, I also seek for tips and advices on recovering during confinement for c-section because the pain will last longer than giving normal birth. Some of my friends already undergone both normal and c-section so they will share the differences between the two. I found that different people have their own preferences. Some preffered normal birth but some preferred c-section, so I figured out it is up to me to make the judgement after I went through it. Don't know whether it is good or not but at least it doesn't make me feel nervous at all. Anyway, that is what I'm feeling right now, but not too sure whether I can still stay this calm tomorrow. Errrr.....?

I was on medical leave for a month but as usual, last minute preparation is a must. Went out having fun with my BFF yesterday and managed getting some items for baby and myself to complete the list. I was advised by some friends to get breast pads so I bought a box of Avent washable breast pads (pack of 6) instead of disposable one, because I felt it is more cost effective. I have searched for breast pump before, but some people told me no need to buy breast pump so early especially that I'm not going anywhere during confinement. Only few days ago I was again advised by experienced close friends that having a breast pump would be better to avoid wasting milk. Well, who else should I listen to so I got myself a manual breast pump from an ordinary brand, Anakku which only cost me RM69.90 before 10% discount. I just knew that there are affordable pumps available out there. All these while I have been comparing and contemplating whether to buy Medela or Ameda because most people only talked about those brands besides Avent, which is the most expensive. As we knew, established brands mean better product quality but if I got the chance, I will share on my experience using the Anakku pump. Who knows it is still similar to the high end brands but in cheaper price? :-> 

"all set and ready..."

Only few hours away and everything is ready. Feeding bottles and breast pump have been sterilised, baby crib is all set and baby bag is ready to go. Oh not forgetting, I have also bought Poleney's essence of black fish (pati ikan haruan Poleney) priced RM34++ at Mydin and Leesa Formula's black fish pills (pil ikan haruan Leesa Formula) priced RM45 at a jamu booth which can assist in healing. Well, at this point I should thank my old neighbour, Nana who has given me a lot of advices in these sort of things. Thank you so much for the tips babe! 

Hokeyh, I should stop here then. Will try to share some other thoughts and stories if time permits or else, don't know when I can start blogging again. Wish me luck and please pray for both of us, me and my baby ya. Hopefully everything will go silky smooth, insyaAllah. Till then, goodbye and good night!


Monday, June 13, 2011

:: fake designer handbags? ::

Lately numerous individuals are venturing into competitive online business world selling branded handbags through blogs and Facebook at cheaper price. Being someone who loves handbags, I just couldn't resist myself drooling over the images and comparing one price to another. Those who live in the USA for example usually sell American brand products, especially Coach items which they could get at almost half of retail price from Coach factory outlet store. I have been to US once, visited the factory outlets and I tell you, these are shopping heavens! Items sold at factory outlets are usually out-of-season but who cares because they are cheap. In terms of authenticity, I personally have no problem at trusting individuals who really live in US and having this kind of online business for side income as long as they really buy the items from the stores or factory outlets.

On the other hand, there are also sellers who are offering luxury designer handbags at cheaper price. Despite having similar modus operandi to those who are living in the USA (buying items from factory outlets) these sellers also offer personal shopper service where buyers could ask sellers to buy items from designer outlets and benefit from the currency exchange rates. (Some sellers who live in USA also offer personal shopper service.) All sellers claimed they are selling 100% authentic designer goods and it is very convincing especially when they claimed they are living in Europe or have friends or contacts in Europe. Again, I have no problem at trusting these individuals too until I saw these Gucci bags being sold at one of the FB store  that I have liked. Something caught my attention there and it is piece of fabric sample in the red square line.

I do not intend to embarass or 'kill' anybody's business and please correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I'm concerned authentic designer handbags never come with that piece of fabric sample. This seller claims he/she lives in the UK and some other items are shown with original receipt from Bicester Village, the famous factory outlet there but the above items gave me doubt.

** Thanks to concerned readers who commented, sample of the fabric is included in certain authentic Gucci bags bought in authorised boutiques over sea. Seek confirmation from the seller. Better be safe than sorry. ** 

Counterfeit is a multi million business. Not like the old days where adidas became abidas, manufacturers nowadays put their highest effort in replicating items as similar as possible to the authentic goods and we as consumers could be cheated if we are not careful. It is very convincing when an item comes complete with a dustbag, care booklet and a paper bag isn't it? But in case you didn't know, grade AAA replica handbags nowadays do come with all that stuff which look really similar to the originals and believe it or not, some even come with fake receipts.

My intention in sharing this info is to create awareness and help others from being cheated. There are sellers who honestly inform they are selling replica handbags so it is fair to the customers who are buying items from them because they already knew and decided their purchase. Situation however differs with sellers who claimed they are selling authentic goods, which are actually counterfeit products because that is considered cheating. Furthermore, although those handbags are purchased at a fraction of its retail price, they still cost thousands of RM.

I managed getting some websites selling AAA replica designer handbags to prove what I said and for you to refer:

 Gucci medium paper bag costs $16 and do you notice the above handbag also comes with a dustbag and care booklet?

"...and copy of the genuine receipt from an official LV store." Nice eh?

As mentioned earlier, fake handbags still cost a bomb. I'm not here to judge if you already knew and still decided on purchasing one but it is unfair for those who believed they have purchased an authentic stuff when it turns to be fake. We have to be smart consumers to avoid paying for something that is not worth it so before purchasing something from an online seller, it is recommended to:

1. Do a bit of study on the seller. Surf the Net for extra details, reviews and feedbacks. If possible, ask for seller's details such as phone numbers and ask any of her/his prior customers or anybody who knew her/him to verify the info.

2. Do a bit of research on the item - its retail price, the model whether it's new or out of season, limited edition stuff, etc. Consider thinking about it should not be impossible to keep on selling limited edition items all year round and it's also impossible for someone to have a lot of stock on these items unless they are fakes. Be wary of deep discounts too.

3. Learn to spot a fake. Do not easily trust seller especially if he/she sells items using images taken from designer official websites. Ask for photographs of the real items.

Above all, it is safer to shop from official stores or much better if you could purchase the item from the boutique itself. It is better to spend few hundreds RM more and satisfied with your purchase rather than being cheated. Better be safe than sorry.

This public service information is brought to you by phatgurl :-)

*keywords: how to avoid buying counterfeit products, replica designer handbags, online shopping safety tips, how to recognize fake handbags

Friday, June 10, 2011

:: a month without kiki ::

I have been longing to write this post. From a week, then postponed to 2 weeks, then to 3 weeks they were all halfway written. It has been more than a month now and as I'm getting stronger I decided to finish up and publish this entry.

On the second day of May we lost our beloved cat, KiKi. A month passed by with sadness and not a day passed without me not thinking of her in tears. Until today there is still no news on her whereabout. A part of me has started losing hope but another part of me still continues praying for miracle to happen. We have tried our best with putting posters everywhere, placing advertisements and searching keywords on Internet, calling pet shops and even visited SPCA in Ampang and PAWS in Subang. In fact, hubby visited PAWS every week in case KiKi was found anywhere and taken to the shelter but until today every effort is dead end.

Our home feels so empty without our lil sweetheart. I'm badly 'hit' because she was always with me from the moment I opened my eyes in the morning until I closed my eyes at night. KiKi used to sleep with us. She has her own fluffy pink bed and when I was lazy to wake up for work I used to place my hand at her and she will lick it to freshen me up. At night I used to call her to accompany me and while I was surfing the Net, she used to play and then curled inside her bed sleeping next to me. The night before she was taken away, I remember her "calling" both of us to accompany her sleep inside the room. She even waited outside the door, came to me and mieouwed because I was slow. I really miss those moments, in fact I miss every moment we had together because she really cherished our life.

The first two weeks were the hardest of all. We both lost our appetite and being at home or outside didn't feel right at all. Until today we still couldn't eat some of the food we used to eat with her and still couldn't visit some of the places we frequently went with her. Although KiKi has only lived with us for 8 months, her lost impact our life tremendously and I personally feel it is too early to let her go.

I always wish this is just a nightmare. I keep on wondering where KiKi is right now and whether she still remember both of us. Hopefully she is in great condition, healthy, happy and I wish she knows how much we miss her. Yes, I do believe in fate but sometimes I still couldn't help feeling guilty for leaving her because if not, she might still be with us today. It really broke my heart a lot listening to hubby's voice saying "Yang, ada orang ambik KiKi" (honey, someone took KiKi) and that voice tone keeps playing in my head until today. I couldn't describe how devastated I am and how desperate I am to have my KiKi back. Like I always told her before, she is a special cat; the cutest cat with big eyes, pink nose and small mouth. I wish I could bump my nose to hers again, cuddle her in my arm, watch her sleep and have her sitting on my lap while travelling, just like before.

KiKi, mama and papa miss you tremendously and we both love you so much. Thank you for everything. You will always be our cat and you will always be remembered.

Monday, June 6, 2011

:: 06.06 ::

On this date, two years ago.....

. Happy Anniversary to both of us .

:: yeayyy menang! ::

The above was my FB status 6 days ago, sharing about the ChurpChurp MAD Deal of the Day. Noticed my p/s message? Honestly I was really interested on the postnatal maternity therapy (although I said just kidding there) and somehow on the next day thePinkStilettos kindheartedly decided to give that voucher as a giveaway to 2 lucky winners by telling her why we deserve to be pampered. 

As you may aware, last month was a tough month for me and I kept on receiving bad / sad news, one after another. I really wish on getting at least one good news no matter how big or small just to cheer me up, so I tried my luck and left her an honest reason why I deserve to be pampered:

Dear Iza,
"I deserve to be pampered with the Postnatal Maternity Therapy because I will give birth to my first child in next 2 weeks through c-section due to placenta previa. Being a woman, getting back to pre-pregnancy weight and shape is among my concern and it's pretty challenging to achieve that especially after operation. Since the said therapy could be done within 2 months after giving birth which also means before I'm back to work, having it would definitely help me mentally (to destress myself) and physically (by any chance, it could help flattening my tummy Laughing). I wish to make a major 'comeback' at work and you will always be remembered for contributing to it.

By the way, past month was a devastating month for me because my beloved cat was stolen, followed by several other bad news and incidence. I really wish for a good news to make me happy and winning something would be a great gift for this preggy lady Smile ."

I was out from the Internet world the whole day yesterday and when I checked my inbox at 3 something early this morning I found an email that immediately brighten up my face. I am one of the 2 winners for the spa voucher giveaway... weehooo...!

As mentioned earlier, any good news will do to cheer me up and so I did. Thank you so much Iza @ thePinkStilletos. You gave good vibe to my day and coincidentally today is our wedding anniversary too. It is indeed a great combo gift for my pregnancy and also wedding anniversary... Alhamdulillah, murah rezeki and may one good news leads to another, insyaallah. 

Couldn't wait to enjoy the therapy in next 2 months. To my skinny jeans, fitted working shirts, favourite high heels... " I'll be back! "

Saturday, June 4, 2011

:: blank ::

Right now
I'm so exhausted.
I'm feeling down.

...and I want my KiKi :-(

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

:: week 36 = 9 months ::

Went for my Week 36 check-up at Hospital Putrajaya this afternoon. My appointment was scheduled at 2:00 pm but being fashionably late as always, we arrived at 2:30 pm instead. It didn't matter though because reason #1 - I'm under Full Paying Patient (FPP) program so I'm allowed to skip queue and reason #2 - No matter how sharp we arrived, we still have to wait for at least 30 to 45 minutes because consultation time varies between one patient and another. Last time we even waited for almost 2 hours because my gynae was helping her patient giving birth in the labour room. I am still cool with that condition though because from what I heard, waiting time at some private hospitals are even worse especially if your gynae is a famous specialist. You need to come very early in the morning just to take your number and you can return home or even go shopping before your turn arrives maybe in the afternoon or later in the evening. Comparing that to our waiting time and the price we paid, I'm definitely satisfied with the FPP (except their average customer service level laa... but it's government hospital so have to expect that lorr...hehe).

As usual I had to undergo the same process of measuring weight, blood pressure test and urine test before meeting the doctor. My weight decreased a bit from the last check-up so obviously I'm happy with that because it is (only) 10kg extra than my pre-pregnancy weight, which is normal according to result shown in this pregnancy weight gain calculator. If you're pregnant, go check it out because I personally feel it is very helpful for us, mommies-to-be as we could refer and monitor how much weight we should roughly gain every month by inserting our pre-pregnancy weight and height. Not only that, they also provide info on where does the pregnancy weight go such as 0.7 kg for placenta, 0.9 kg for amniotic fluid, 2.7 - 3.6 kg for baby, 0.5 - 0.9 kg for breast growth and so on. 

My baby is considered full term at the end of this week and since my placenta previa is still in type 1, I have to deliver my baby through c-section which could be done in Week 38; only 2 weeks away from today. Most people would want to deliver their babies normally and so do I but with this condition there is no option left. Despite that, alhamdulillah our baby is in healthy condition and he is already 2.5 kg. Doctor gave me another appointment date on 14 June and that should be my last pre-natal check-up. My medical leave is continued until that date and ironically that is the end of my 25 days medical leave. I will need to take my annual leave or starts my maternity leave after that so I plan to have the operation not very long after the last check-up. Hopefully it can be done on this particular date which I already have in mind ;-)

It's coming to an end. I thank Allah the almighty for giving me this wonderful experience and strongly believed more is yet to come especially after our lil guy is here with us later. I'm grateful for having a healthy pregnancy period and hopefully the next 2 weeks will pass by smoothly and easily, insyaallah. 

Baby, mama and papa couldn't wait to see you. Just hang in there for a little while dear... mwah mwah!