Lately numerous individuals are venturing into competitive online business world selling branded handbags through blogs and Facebook at cheaper price. Being someone who loves handbags, I just couldn't resist myself drooling over the images and comparing one price to another. Those who live in the USA for example usually sell American brand products, especially Coach items which they could get at almost half of retail price from Coach factory outlet store. I have been to US once, visited the factory outlets and I tell you, these are shopping heavens! Items sold at factory outlets are usually out-of-season but who cares because they are cheap. In terms of authenticity, I personally have no problem at trusting individuals who really live in US and having this kind of online business for side income as long as they really buy the items from the stores or factory outlets.
On the other hand, there are also sellers who are offering luxury designer handbags at cheaper price. Despite having similar modus operandi to those who are living in the USA (buying items from factory outlets) these sellers also offer personal shopper service where buyers could ask sellers to buy items from designer outlets and benefit from the currency exchange rates. (Some sellers who live in USA also offer personal shopper service.) All sellers claimed they are selling 100% authentic designer goods and it is very convincing especially when they claimed they are living in Europe or have friends or contacts in Europe. Again, I have no problem at trusting these individuals too until I saw these Gucci bags being sold at one of the FB store that I have liked. Something caught my attention there and it is piece of fabric sample in the red square line.
I do not intend to embarass or 'kill' anybody's business and please correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I'm concerned authentic designer handbags never come with that piece of fabric sample. This seller claims he/she lives in the UK and some other items are shown with original receipt from Bicester Village, the famous factory outlet there but the above items gave me doubt.
** Thanks to concerned readers who commented, sample of the fabric is included in certain authentic Gucci bags bought in authorised boutiques over sea. Seek confirmation from the seller. Better be safe than sorry. **
Counterfeit is a multi million business. Not like the old days where adidas became abidas, manufacturers nowadays put their highest effort in replicating items as similar as possible to the authentic goods and we as consumers could be cheated if we are not careful. It is very convincing when an item comes complete with a dustbag, care booklet and a paper bag isn't it? But in case you didn't know, grade AAA replica handbags nowadays do come with all that stuff which look really similar to the originals and believe it or not, some even come with fake receipts.
My intention in sharing this info is to create awareness and help others from being cheated. There are sellers who honestly inform they are selling replica handbags so it is fair to the customers who are buying items from them because they already knew and decided their purchase. Situation however differs with sellers who claimed they are selling authentic goods, which are actually counterfeit products because that is considered cheating. Furthermore, although those handbags are purchased at a fraction of its retail price, they still cost thousands of RM.
I managed getting some websites selling AAA replica designer handbags to prove what I said and for you to refer:
As mentioned earlier, fake handbags still cost a bomb. I'm not here to judge if you already knew and still decided on purchasing one but it is unfair for those who believed they have purchased an authentic stuff when it turns to be fake. We have to be smart consumers to avoid paying for something that is not worth it so before purchasing something from an online seller, it is recommended to:
1. Do a bit of study on the seller. Surf the Net for extra details, reviews and feedbacks. If possible, ask for seller's details such as phone numbers and ask any of her/his prior customers or anybody who knew her/him to verify the info.
2. Do a bit of research on the item - its retail price, the model whether it's new or out of season, limited edition stuff, etc. Consider thinking about it should not be impossible to keep on selling limited edition items all year round and it's also impossible for someone to have a lot of stock on these items unless they are fakes. Be wary of deep discounts too.
3. Learn to spot a fake. Do not easily trust seller especially if he/she sells items using images taken from designer official websites. Ask for photographs of the real items.
** Thanks to concerned readers who commented, sample of the fabric is included in certain authentic Gucci bags bought in authorised boutiques over sea. Seek confirmation from the seller. Better be safe than sorry. **
Counterfeit is a multi million business. Not like the old days where adidas became abidas, manufacturers nowadays put their highest effort in replicating items as similar as possible to the authentic goods and we as consumers could be cheated if we are not careful. It is very convincing when an item comes complete with a dustbag, care booklet and a paper bag isn't it? But in case you didn't know, grade AAA replica handbags nowadays do come with all that stuff which look really similar to the originals and believe it or not, some even come with fake receipts.
My intention in sharing this info is to create awareness and help others from being cheated. There are sellers who honestly inform they are selling replica handbags so it is fair to the customers who are buying items from them because they already knew and decided their purchase. Situation however differs with sellers who claimed they are selling authentic goods, which are actually counterfeit products because that is considered cheating. Furthermore, although those handbags are purchased at a fraction of its retail price, they still cost thousands of RM.
I managed getting some websites selling AAA replica designer handbags to prove what I said and for you to refer:
Gucci medium paper bag costs $16 and do you notice the above handbag also comes with a dustbag and care booklet?
"...and copy of the genuine receipt from an official LV store." Nice eh?
As mentioned earlier, fake handbags still cost a bomb. I'm not here to judge if you already knew and still decided on purchasing one but it is unfair for those who believed they have purchased an authentic stuff when it turns to be fake. We have to be smart consumers to avoid paying for something that is not worth it so before purchasing something from an online seller, it is recommended to:
1. Do a bit of study on the seller. Surf the Net for extra details, reviews and feedbacks. If possible, ask for seller's details such as phone numbers and ask any of her/his prior customers or anybody who knew her/him to verify the info.
2. Do a bit of research on the item - its retail price, the model whether it's new or out of season, limited edition stuff, etc. Consider thinking about it should not be impossible to keep on selling limited edition items all year round and it's also impossible for someone to have a lot of stock on these items unless they are fakes. Be wary of deep discounts too.
3. Learn to spot a fake. Do not easily trust seller especially if he/she sells items using images taken from designer official websites. Ask for photographs of the real items.
Above all, it is safer to shop from official stores or much better if you could purchase the item from the boutique itself. It is better to spend few hundreds RM more and satisfied with your purchase rather than being cheated. Better be safe than sorry.
This public service information is brought to you by phatgurl :-)
This public service information is brought to you by phatgurl :-)
*keywords: how to avoid buying counterfeit products, replica designer handbags, online shopping safety tips, how to recognize fake handbags
thats why I don't buy online, prefer to get my friends to buy when they are overseas or I buy it myself when traveling, esp at Europe.
ReplyDeleteYour post was very insightful. :) I have been tempted many times by these (Facebook) blogshops, but luckily I have only stuck to buying cosmetics and clothes, not branded items.
ReplyDeleteI'm not into high brand product. But this article is very informative and helpful.
miss mya
ReplyDeleteInteresting blog. Designer handbags are becoming a need for most women. If there is one thing that is important for women, it is to look fabulous all the time. Thank you...
The replica bags are come in many designs and also within reasonable rates. Almost every person is affording these reasonable bags. The fake replica bags of substandard quality are also called replicas, but the quality and functions differ a lot then the original one.
ReplyDeleteThat's a very helpful post for those going to buy replica bags for first time.Thanks!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad if you all find this post beneficial and helpful. Thanks for visiting and reading this blog :-)
ReplyDeleteHi, I am looking for latest trendy replica bags. I want to know if the manufactures have brought out more qualities in it or not?
ReplyDeleteYou have your point but not all are correct. Further some sample website that you shows on your blog are using USD dollar which means the website are not local. I never doubt of your comment but I believe not all the online seller are selling fake branded handbags.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAccept or not accept??
ReplyDeletebranded handbags
Malaysia online clothing
Nice blog thanks for sharing such a nice information. all designer bags are awesome.
ReplyDeleteJust sharing. I have that Gucci Boston Bag, bought it from the Gucci store itself in London 2010. Yes, the bag do come with authenticity card, guarantee card and a fabric sample. But this only applies for certain Gucci bag since the Boston bag I bought was a limited edition. If you are looking for an authentic designer handbag, it's better to shop at the boutique itself. At least you know they are authentic and not a fake :D
ReplyDeleteCouldn't agree more with you Anonymous. Better shop at the respective boutique to be safe. Then only you can confirm it is 101% authentic.
ReplyDeletelet me correct you on something about original or fake..i bought a GUCCI hobo leather from The Mall Florence last summer..and it comes with small piece of leather in it internal what you referred in your first pic....i can provide you The Mall purchase receipt with the pic of the piece of small leather if u want :)...
ReplyDeletehope you do some thorough research or buy many designer bags before you post something...which you are not so sure about :)
Thank you for dropping a comment. I have stated there "correct me if I'm wrong" so it seems that you're doing a great job. My intention was to create awareness about counterfeit items, but if the item is really genuine then there is nothing to lose. The buyer can always ask and the seller can always convince.
ReplyDeleteAgreed, it is better to just shop at the boutique itself. I'd always have my doubts with online shop that are selling branded items because I can't confirm if it is genuine or not. I don't get why people would buy replicas because you just won't get the same amount of satisfaction when you know you are buying a genuine item but this is just my personal opinion. Lovin this article!
ReplyDeleteThank you for your positive comment, Anonymous :-)
ReplyDeleteMost Designers carry a selection of their designer handbags for their fashion collector patron's choice. This article will have written descriptions for all of the selected designer handbags.
ReplyDeleteDesigner Handbags
I must agree with you it is indeed risky to buy stuff online. This is why I started looking for a reputable store years ago. My efforts have paid off when I found . All my worries are gone ever since I started purchasing from their store. I love the bags and amazing discounts they offer.
ReplyDeleteMost girls prefer to buy replicas because they are cheaper and the quality is perfect just like the original ones!
ReplyDeleteI am one of those girls who look and buy these gorgeous but rather lower priced handbags from Poshmoda. The craftsmanship is just astonishing!
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ReplyDeleteThe information has been provided is very different, it shows that there are lots of things to consider while buying online and one of the major thing to keep in mind is that purchase designer or luxury handbags from the official store owner's website. You surely get the original product there.
ReplyDeleteGood information and discussion.
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