Tuesday, August 16, 2011

:: a celebration that will never be celebrated ::

On this date last year hubby brought home a box with an injured cat inside. I was having a nap on the couch when hubby came home that night with her. She was an ordinary cat with black stripes on grey and white fur; and she was still small. My heart straight away melted when I looked at her. She has a cute face and moreover I was feeling sorry for the injury. Her left back foot was broken so she had to rely on her other 3 feet to walk. Hubby brought her home because he wanted to send her to the vet on the next day and somehow I said to him, "just bring her back home again tomorrow."

KiKi's second day at home

That was it. On this date last year we had our first pet whom we named KiKi. We didn't want her to stay outside. We bathed her on the next day so she could stay inside and from that moment she became a house cat. KiKi cherished our life. She was smart because although she was living in the street earlier she never wrecked the house and even knew where her toilet was so she just signalled us when she wanted to do her thing. Days passed by. It was Hari Raya and because we didn't have any experience with boarding service, we brought KiKi celebrating Raya with us in Seremban and also to Sik, Kedah. Amazingly she just sat quietly inside the carrier and behaved really well through out the entire journey, neither peed nor pooed.

Our Raya pic last year :-(

We never separated with each other ever since day one but we had to leave her when we went to Melbourne. It was our first time being away and I even cried when we said goodbye to her. I never feel such strong bond with a cat before but everything changed with KiKi.

Nose to nose - that was what we did to say I love you

My most favourite pic!

From a box house we then bought her a proper cage. At first, KiKi was left inside the cage during the day when we were both at work but later we just left her inside our bedroom because we wanted her to be more comfortable. After 6 months we just left her roaming anywhere in the house because we knew she won't do anything. KiKi was special to us and I have to admit that we usually treat her more than a cat. We couldn't leave her alone for too long if it was already dark, we brought her to shopping malls, bought her clothes and at one point, we even installed a webcam to watch what she did in the bedroom during the day! We then knew how much she loved her pink fluffy bed because she only sat and slept inside it most of the time. Later in the evening she sat at the window pane, looking outside as if she knew I will reach home anytime soon.

I miss these moments...

There is a lot to talk about KiKi. She accompanied me most of the time until I was 8 month pregnant and I that was when she was taken away from us. I regret that she couldn't meet Ady. Even more, it was hard to believe that KiKi was stolen just like that. She was with us the whole time, only separated in few minutes and gone. It was tragic. No word could describe how devastated I am until this moment. It has been 3 months but I still can't let her go. I keep thinking of her and missing her, hoping that she is thinking and missing us too. Hopefully she is doing well and healthy, whereever she is right now. We should have a celebration today but too bad KiKi is no longer with us. No matter what, she will always be our first pet and our moments with her will always be kept as treasure.

 KiKi had a lot of her favourite food (chicken) during her last week with us

I really miss you KiKi.


  1. betul la kalo kita jaga dia dr kecik mmg sayang sgt..kalo gi memana teringat diorang yg rumah..cukup ke makan minum..mst kiki pn teringat u guys jugak..kesian dia hilang dr rumah tuan dia..

  2. Lily - hilang barang boleh diganti, hilang kucing mmg merana. Bukan hilang dr rumah tapi kena curi masa kitorg bawak dia gi sunway pyramid. Tu yg sedih sgt2 tu...huhuhu.

  3. baru sehari semalam tinggalkan budak2 bulu kat rumah pun dah rasa semacam... semua benda mengingatkan pada dorang.. lagila kalau terus takda.. T_T

  4. Mrs.azmi - sape yg ada kucing mmg akan rasa sepi bila kucing takde dgn kita walaupun sekejap.

  5. http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10150263218863269&id=718262636%C2%ACif_t%3Dwall#!/photo.php?fbid=2056879334014&set=t.723634929&type=1&theater

    cm kiki yg hilang... org tu ckp kucing ni slalu dtg opis dia mntak mkn... kt petaling jaya...

  6. Kalin, saya tak dapat bukak link FB tu. Harap ada cara lain untuk saya tengok gambar kucing tu...manalah tahu kot2 itu KiKi. Huhuhu.
