Sunday, November 20, 2011

:: 20.11.2011 ::

It's another anticipated date of the year after 11.11.11. Falls on a Sunday, first week of school holiday makes it a perfect day for wedding reception so do expect heavy traffic on the road today. As for me, neither 11.11.11 nor 20.11.2011 has any significance to my life. We have a wedding to attend and at 11.55am we are still lazing on the bed like other Sundays. I love spending time on the bed with Ady on Sunday because it is relaxing. We can play, I sing him nursery rhymes, read him books and this morning he did something that impressed me:

My baby is growing fast. One day I will surely miss this moment but thanks to technology advancement I could record the milestones here. I should be ready for the wedding now. Goodbye and Happy 20.11.2011.
posted from Bloggeroid


  1. wah..khusyuknyer.....semoga jadi anak yg bijak bistari... :)

  2. ady bljr rajin2 yer blh gi bljr oversea bila besar nnt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    btw, uncle hairil sgt impressed dgn ady=).

  3. Penawar_rindu: ituler...gaya tenung buku macam dia paham je...hehehe. Insyaallah, semoga Ady jadi anak yg bijak seperti yg didoakan. Amin.

  4. Aunty Isma & Uncle Hairil nanti bagi semangat untuk Ady rajin & minat baca buku ye. Doakan kejayaan Ady dan semoga Ady menjadi anak yang soleh dan insan yang berguna. Amin.

  5. Yun: eksyen je tu tapi muka kemain lagi concentrate. Hehehe.
