Wednesday, February 8, 2012

:: gadget freak alert ::

Ady Rifqi will be 8 months in the next 9 days. How time flies! Haven't update much about him lately but despite a number of milestones he has already reached, he has also shown interests towards gadget. Don't believe me? Just take a look at these photos...

Not only that, he also loves playing with handphones and remote control too. Typical boy!

Ah, not forgetting...he is so into this one thing too...


"let me drive you, mommy"

Boy will always be boy :-P
posted from Bloggeroid


  1. ady dh mcm org besar dh.. cpt2 besar ady

  2. farhana: itulah...a part of me said "cepatlah besar" but another said "janganlah besar cepat sangat" sebab bila makin besar dia akan makin jauh dengan kita. Have to cherish this moment...huhuhu

  3. alahai ady! kecik2 dh pandai pegang stereng kete, nnt besar blh jd F1 racer!...(aunty isma)
