Tuesday, July 17, 2012

:: 1 year 1 month ::

If 1901 hotdogs has special discount date every month which is on the 19th, we have 17th as a special date because Ady was born on the 17th and so does I. A month has passed after Ady's first birthday. He is another month older and as at today, our baby...

...can walk! He started with standing without holding anything for few seconds during his first birthday week and he has improved ever since that with walking a step or two forward, then able to stand from a sitting position until he can walk by himself. Nowadays he keeps on walking around the living room but still not confident enough to walk at shopping mall.

...can climb up and down the bed and sofa to play with his toys. Ady is into colourful blocks and still into real stuffs like bottles and boxes. Mama can have some 'me time' now that he is able to play on his own *yippee yeay*

bubble bath time with his favourite bottles

...can clap his hands when I sing 'If You're Happy', ABC or when he listens to any music he likes. The cutest moment is when I sing the song while he is not doing anything. Once I started singing, his face somehow brightens up and he automatically raised his hands and clap clap clap. Cuteness.

...can convey message through gesture and facial expressions. For example, Ady will turn his face towards me or make sound if he doesn't want something I offer and I know he wants milk if his face brightens up together with a laugh when I show him the feeding bottle.

...waves his hand to say goodbye. Actually he only waves his palm up and down but at least he understands when people say "bye". When he is in good mood, he waves with a smile but if he is not in a very good mood he waves with a stern or expressionless face and it was funny to see him like that.

...still speaks in his own baby language. We keep on teaching him to say 'mama' or 'papa' but he usually repeats with "atah" or "tah". Well, maybe that is mama and papa in baby language? Anyway, we always catch Ady singing in his baby language song when he is playing on his own and it is so adorable!

"Who's the boss? I'm the boss!"

Our son is taller and bigger now but I still cuddle him like a baby. Alhamdulillah I can still breastfeed him until today (although not exclusively) and that might be one reason why he is so attached to me. Until today I still love watching Ady sleeping and this is a pic of him taken in the morning of 17.07.2012.  
 How could I resist to look at that serene face and pouty lips?

Mama loves you, baby!

* this entry was posted on 17.07.2012 and edited on 20.07.2012 *


  1. hooray for baby Ady!

  2. hehe...cute sangat video dia berjalan tu! our boy has grown so much!!
