Yesterday I woke up with a Whatsapp message from Rabby telling me about Domino's pizza 10sen pizza promo. It was too good to be true (but it was true) because apparently Domino's is having a promotion starting yesterday where 1 regular pizza worth 10 cents only for 100 minutes and 100 walk-in customers each day at 100 selected outlets (2 outlets per day) through out the promo period. Coincidentally, one of the first two outlets to be chosen was Taipan USJ which is near our house so we took our chance to grab the offer.
The promotion started at 12:30 pm yesterday and people have been queuing since 11 something. Each customer is allowed to purchase only one (1) pizza and we were lucky enough to be the 95th and 96th customer although arrived at 12:40 pm. It took us almost an hour of waiting to get the pizzas but it was worth it because we only paid 20 cents (no tax)for the Extravaganzza and Classified Chicken. At normal price each regular pizza is priced at RM23.80 so we have saved RM47.40 for two pizzas (yeay!). Another best thing is despite the promotional price, customers can still select toppings and crusts but surcharge applies for Cheese Burst Double Decker Crust, Extreme Edge Crust & First Class Pizza range.
This promo is yet the best so far and kudos to the Domino's team for making it real. Refer Dominos Pizza Malaysia FB page to learn more about the 10sen pizza promo and here are outlets involved through out November:
Please note that the 100 minutes time differs everyday. Yesterday the promo started at 12:30 pm until 2:10 pm but for today, it is going to be at 8:00 pm until 9:40 pm.
Happy pizza-ing! :-D
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