Friday, November 8, 2013

:: my first camellia ::

Alhamdulillah, one item is crossed off from the bucket list*.
I don't join any MLM business and I'm not a celebrity so this is quite an achievement for an ordinary person like me. 
A gift for all the sweats, joy, tears, screams and satisfactions through out my tenure in TM.
*bucket list: a list of things to do before you die.


  1. congrats atie..nak tau isi dalam paperbag..hehe

  2. Thanks Lilly... I beli takat yang termampu jer. Sooner or later mesti ada dalam pic :-)

  3. Tahniah Atie! Tumpang happy utk Atie u deserved it dear! enjoy with ur new acquisition:).....isma.

  4. Thanks Isma. Only fans of handbags would understand this. Really appreciate it ;-)
