Wednesday, March 26, 2014

:: rest in peace, ami schaheera ::

It was a hectic day with back-to-back meetings. I was rushing from a place to another, meeting different people and within 9am to 5pm I went to 6 different buildings, from Bangsar to TTDI and to Cyberjaya.

I picked up Ady from his nursery and went to our neighbourhood mamak for a drink. I need a break before we reach home but it was only for a while. As I scrolled down my Instagram feed, I saw this pic by Aquilastyle:

Another devastating news. My eyes were in tears and I immediately brought Ady home.

Arwah Ami Schaheera. I may not know her in person but she is one of my favourite fashion bloggers. I do not follow many blogs but her blog link is among those listed here so I can easily click when I see an update from her. I follow her Instagram account, learnt her daily routine and how she fought cancer. She was a tough fighter but He knows best for this sweet 30 year old lady who has touched many people's heart.

You will be dearly missed Ami. May Allah granted you peace and Jannah, insyaallah.


Cancer. It really opened up my eyes when my childhood friend / neighbour lost her eldest sister, whom we called 'Along' to cancer last year. Ever since that day I have different feeling and view towards it. I guess we all knew how life threatening it is but how much we really care?

At this opportunity I would like to share that we could empathise and do our part by assisting cancer patients to survive and undergo necessary treatment. As an example, through MAKNA (Majlis Kanser Nasional / National Cancer Council) we can let them have the life they deserve. MAKNA is a not-for-profit organisation and they are supporting 4,500 cancer patients annually to financially assist them through treatments. They welcome financial donations at anytime and it can be easily done through their website.

Click here to learn more about MAKNA or click here to make donation.

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