Tuesday, March 20, 2012

:: crazy about corsage ::

Previously I have shared about my craft projects that are made of felt fabric. From this pompom felt flower which then turned into a colour block bib necklace to this 'garden of roses' bib necklace, they were all handmade with love and passion.

It was already midnight when I chose my outfit for last week's casual Friday. Ady was already asleep so I had a quiet me-time while hubby was busy with his computer. I really wanted to wear the white strappy high heels I got from a colleague last month and to match it, I chose an old tube dress to be worn with a slim fit jeans. Since I will be wearing black shawl and black inner, I felt like wearing something to enhance the outfit. Somehow I got an idea to make a corsage that could complement my dress so there I was sitting on the couch in the middle of the night to produce this:

Fuschia slanted pompom felt corsage

...and a pic of yours truly wearing it :-)

Actually that was not my first felt corsage because few weeks ago I made and wore these 3 red roses to enhance my monochrome (white & grey) outfit:

Wore a pink felt rose yesterday to match my pink & grey outfit too but didn't snap a pic. However it doesn't stop there because later in the evening I made more pink felt roses at parents-in-law's crib while fetching Ady and waiting for hubby to arrive.  

Got to go now so that's all for today from this crazy-about-corsage lady. See you in the next blog post. Taraaaa...!